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Vaccine Rollout: Are You Fully Informed?

Unlicenced vaccines for emergency use

In the coming days, weeks and months, the government will invite you, your family, your employees, your residents (if you’re a care home manager) and everyone else to get vaccinated.  The Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine has received emergency approval but is still unlicensed.  And all vaccines are pharmaceutical products, which come with risks that you should be aware of

It is a legal requirement for anyone administering a vaccine to obtain fully informed consent from the person receiving it.  If the recipient is under 18, informed consent must come from their parent or guardian.  If they lack capacity to give consent, their attorney must step in.  

What is ‘fully informed consent’?

A person is fully informed only if they have all the information that they would think relevant to their decision.  This should take into account their personal circumstances, including their age, health, underlying illnesses, current medication, and anything else that might be relevant.  For vaccines, it should include previous adverse reactions to vaccination, allergies to any of the ingredients, family history of vaccine injury, family history of autoimmune disorders or neurological disorders.  So, what’s relevant might vary from one individual to another.

What are neurological disorders?

Neurological disorders are diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system – the brain, spinal cord, cranial nerves, peripheral nerves, nerve roots, autonomic nervous system, neuromuscular junction, and muscles.[1]  They affect about 10 million people in the UK[2]that’s 1/6 of the population who should think twice before getting the Covid jab! 

There are more than 600 neurological disorders,[3] including: epilepsy, encephalitis, ME, MS, MD, ADHD, autism and Asperger’s syndrome.  Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and stroke are common neurological disorders in older people.  Transverse myelitis is one of the known adverse events for several vaccines.  It occurred in at least 2 of the participants in the vaccine (not placebo) arm of the Oxford AstraZeneca Covid vaccine trials.[4] [5]  Vaccine trial participants are among the healthiest individuals in society, being pre-screened for underlying health conditions such as the above.

How do I ensure I’m ‘fully informed’?

The UK Medical Freedom Alliance (UKMFA) is an alliance of medical professionals, scientists and lawyers who have created a comprehensive COVID-19 Vaccination Consent Form.  This form provides far more information than the government, the BBC or your doctors surgery will be able to provide you.  Its intent is that you have full disclosure, with discussion of the risks as well as the benefits of COVID-19 vaccines.  So, it can assist you in considering and discussing what is relevant, if necessary, with your GP, or with your loved one who may be in a care home.  It outlines the legal framework that is in place to protect you from coercion and unlawful infringement of bodily autonomy. 

Remember that no GP, nurse, employer, pharmacist, or care home manager or staff member is authorised to tell you that you SHOULD have a vaccine “for the greater good”, particularly if they have not taken the time to listen fully to your concerns or take a detailed medical history from you.  If they cannot fully answer your questions, it doesn’t mean your questions are unimportant; it means they, themselves, are not fully informed.

Download the UKMFA COVID-19 Vaccination Consent Form here and forward it on, by email or by post, to your GP surgery, all local care homes, your friends, family and neighbours whom you care about.  Give a copy to your employer, especially if they seem keen for everybody in the company to be vaccinated.  Everybody should have an opportunity to see the information on this form before they make their decision whether to get the jab.

What else should I know about COVID-19 vaccines?

You might also find useful the UKMFA Open Letter, which was sent on 23rd November to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) and Matt Hancock.  The letter outlined concerns over a rushed roll-out of an experimental vaccine using novel technology (mRNA vaccines), which has limited short-term safety data and NO long-term safety data.

Download the Open Letter here. Your GP might also appreciate a copy of this!

For more information about informed consent, visit

Stay alert.

Think for yourself.

Don’t be fooled by propaganda.



[3] Ibid.



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